Thursday, May 26, 2011

Hope-Less! =.=

In previous blog posts, I talked abt a girl in MUFY that I liked, confessed, and failed... So, what's the situation now? Well, ya, I guess u shud know the answer by referring to the title above... >.< 

We actually became quite close abt a month ago... we chatted more and became a lot more like how we were before... at the time, I thought wow, maybe we could become closer again and MAYBE I could give it a second try... but subsequent happenings weren't quite favorable... Sigh... firstly, she became very very bad mood... I tried to show my concern, but she refused to tell me anything... I'm fine with that, so I stopped bothering her... and then, when she's finally cheering up, through fb, I found out that she likes a guy in Sunway... Bam! That's the end of my 2nd try... was planning to ask her abt it after finals, but that's not necessary now... She liking another guy, just shows that I have no position in her heart at all... T.T
Then I thought, hmmm... maybe we could still be best frens, as she said to me before? As much as I hope for that to happen, I know deep down in my heart that it's impossible... After not properly chatting with her for quite a long time, I tried chatting with her last night (right after our finals)... She said she was not watching drama and actually very free... u might think we can finally get a good chat right? Wrong! The way she replied me in msn, is just the same as when she's busy... That's the final straw for me... I'm not angry or sad, just awoken from my dream...
From now on, I shall cut off all my desperation of wanting a gf... it's that very same desperation that has caused me to like the wrong girl at the wrong time, wrong place and wrong way... "Don’t find love, let love find you. That’s why its called falling in love, because you don’t force yourself to fall, you just fall." (Lawrence Kiing, 2011)... this is going to be my attitude from now on... no more desperation, no more hope, just patience... This I hope, is the last blog post about this matter... sure all of u r getting sick of it too... sry if that's the case... >.<

And as for her, I can only wish her all the best in her future... Hope that she finds the boy of her life who she likes... Someone who would be more handsome than me, smarter than me, cooler than me, and most importantly, someone who would quarrel with her more, just the way she like... =X


  1. HAHAHAHAHA thank God you didn't try and ask her for the second time! i was so shocked when you mentioned that in the first few lines XD
    but anyway glad that you finally thought it through, good for you! :D

  2. LOL... anyway, seriously, out of so many quotes u put on fb, the one I mentioned is reli the best... =D Thanks...
