Sunday, May 1, 2011

another day, another couples...

If u guys can still remember, I posted something about 'love is in the air' before... and now, as more days pass by, even my roommate has a girl in his life already... Although they're not officially couples, but judging from the way they act, they're undoubtedly couples from heart... in the end, I just can't help myself but to become a little bit emo, which is what brings me here to blog abt these stuffs again...

Sometimes I tend to look out the window and stare into the sky, no matter day or night, good or bad weathers... rainy weather is the most efficient in causing my mind to be filled with these stuffs... and today afternoon while taking a rest from all those Bio notes, I did the same thing again...

As my college life comes to an end soon in less than a month time, I recalled all my MUFY memories so far... although it's a mixture of joy and misery, the one having the most effect on me is still her... although the pain is no longer as intense as before, but everytime I think abt it, I'll always end up with a long sigh..... sometimes I just hope I could time travel back to last year July, then I would be able to undo all the wrongs I've done and all the wrong moves I've taken... 0.0

Many of my friends in MUFY have their own gf's... and now my roommate getting one soon, it makes me envy him and everyone else more... I know I shud understand that 'True Love Waits'... that everyone will only get ONE boy/girl in their lives... and not everyone would have found their only ONE by 19 years old... some ppl might need to wait till 30+ years old to found theirs... but why am I so impatient abt this? I guess......... I just feel lonely, that's all... just want to have someone special to share my life journey with... but unfortunately, she's not the ONE... what's the point of me blogging abt this anyway? I dun understand myself oso... zzz....

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