Sunday, May 15, 2011

Do you believe in coincidence?

Okay, although the final exams are around the horizon, but something else is attracting my interest these few days... JPA results came out on friday, and of cuz me and my fellow schoolmates were quite curious to know who got the scholarships and any juniors that might possibly join us... Initially, I wasn't expecting any juniors as one of my coursemate actually went to the JPA office, and they told him that we are the last batch of students getting JPA to Monash local... But very surprisingly, one of them apparently got the offer here this year, same as mine, medicine in Monash local...

And guess who got it? It's my ex-gf!! What a coincidence! I only got to know on saturday morning when one of her frens told me through facebook... I was literally speechless and @.@... Haha! But seriously, what a coincidence! I dunno I shud laugh or cry, reli is 哭笑不得 lo, haha...

But then again, when I think carefully, ex-gf going to be my junior, WHO CARES?? Right?? Lol... It's been more than 2 years since our breakup, and we're not friends since then... It's not like I never tried to befriend with her again, but she's the one who's refusing to let go, or rather it's her current BF who likes to add oil to fire... I reli did try, added her in fb, but in the end, what did I get? She thought I've come to realise my mistakes and have came back to beg her... Ya, right! =.= I just have a very simple desire to be normal friends with her again, and she misunderstood my intention, or rather her BF (again! =.=) manipulated her thinking and even threatened me... He thought he scared me, but come on la... get into a fist to fist fight with me, I can lay him flat in 5 seconds la... But let's not get too much into her BF, everyone knows he's a F**KER, my classmate for 3 years who only knows how to talk the talk...

Hmmm, I guess it was my fault that we broke up in such a manner, and I guess I hurt her in a very cruel way back then... I'm sry for what happened, but am I the only one to blame? I'm not looking for excuses, but seriously we were both immature kids dating for the very 1st time in our lives back then... we weren't honest with each other, got anything unhappy never tell each other oso... that maybe is the main thing that contributed to our breakup...

For now, she is going to be my junior in one and half a year, unless she rejects the offer eventually (which I doubt she would, it's more than 500k we're talking about here)... whether it will affect me a lot, I dunno... I'm posting this cuz everybody's making such a big fuss that she's gonna be where I am... I hope maybe one day, we could become friends again, but that day won't be too soon, I think... anyway, for now, I couldn't care much abt it... xP

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