Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Kuantan and Kemaman trip xD

Finally I can blog abt the trip to Kuantan and Kemaman after MUFY finals... Generally this trip is like none other that I have ever experienced in my life... everything was super tiring, challenging as well as EXTREME! There were also many first times in my life too... First time I ate sata (malay food made from fish, coconut paste and chilli), first time climbing rocks just by the sea, first time see a real waterfall right in front of me, first time bath in a waterfall, first time touch a real turtle, first time see turtles laying eggs... So nice! Anyway, I'm not gonna blah too much here, will let the pictures do the talking... =D

ate keropok lekor from Kemaman, Terengganu on Friday night... felt like fries... haha...

Went to beach the next day afternoon (Saturday), Telok Cempedak with Lik Sing and Pek Wui... quite a beautiful view as well... =)

Our 'accomodation' at Kuantan, Jason Yau's house... big and comfy house, although I didn't sleep that much that night, cuz of MU's Champions League Final defeat... =(

He served us nasi dagang for dinner... quite a unique dish found at East Semenanjung only...

Went to Telok Cempedak again the next morning (Sunday), this time with everyone...

To go further through the beach to Telok Cempedak 2 and 3, we had to go through many obstacles... such as a broken bridge above...

Went through a very extreme and challenging rock climbing right by the sea... seriously this is dangerous, but we managed to get through it unscathed, almost! Haha...

That evening, we made our way to Sungai Lembing, Pahang... Stayed at a motel (more like a homestay)...

After settling down, we each rented a bike and went strolling around Sungai Lembing... too bad an accident happened to Jian Hao and he got hurt... hope he get well soon... =)

At night, we had barbeque too... so nice!

The next morning (Monday), we went to the waterfall at Sungai Lembing... woke up early in the morning and sat at the back of a jeep through the forest... had to go on foot for quite a distance, crossing rivers and struggling through forest areas before we get to the destination... notice the rainbow in the center of the picture above? Such a beautiful view... xD

The waterfall I mentioned above... had a bath in there... chilling water which tasted sweet (I tasted it! @.@) 

Made our way to Kemaman that evening... Lik Sing, our host brought us to eat otak-otak and sata at a malay stall... the sata was very nice, and otak-otak much different from the Muar ones... I still prefer Muar one though... =D

Lik Sing's mum cooked dinner for us... typical Chinese meal... satisfying! ^^

Went to Monica Bay (Pantai Telok Mak Nik) that night to see turtles lay eggs... 

We get to hold a baby turtle too! Later everyone line up in a row and let go of the baby turtles together and see them crawl into the sea... great experience indeed! 

The final day morning (Tuesday), we went to have Hai Bing coffee, which is very famous in Kemaman... It was quite nice oso...

Finally, this trip had ended... Everyone was just too tired and sleepy in the end... I hope in future I can bring my future gf to Kuantan, after seeing how romantic it can be for couples there... haha... Anyway, my post-finals vacation is not done yet, I hope... LOL!

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