Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Home................ T.T

MUFY is gonna end very very soon... Tomolo is the start of the 2nd semester finals, and ends next wednesday for bio students like me... After that, there will be so many things to look forward to, such as vacations, holidays, movies, games, friends, everything! 

But what I want the most at this moment, is HOME! I reli reli miss my home so so much now... I'm going back to Sibu on 7th June, and by the time I reach home, it will be 4 whole months since I've stepped onto the land of Sibu... T.T This has been the longest ever period I've been away from home, and I reli miss everything there... My family, my parents, my house, my desktop, my bed... I oso miss Sibu food so much, Sibu delicacies as well as my mum's cooking... @.@

Swan, the symbol of Sibu! =)

Sibu, the place I've spent 18 years of my life in, the most comfortable and familiar place in my memory... that's where the best frens n best memories are made... the place where ppl would call me 'funny and joyful' rather than 'fisherman'... the place where ppl reli understands me as in who I reli am, rather than condemn me to the sword based on their own perception... the place where I'm reli HAPPY, and not trying to put a mask on my face and PRETEND to be happy... Frankly, I just miss where I belong, and that is SIBU, my sweetest HOME SWEET HOME! I reli can't wait any longer... T.T


  1. Hang in there man. Just three more weeks and you'll be home :)

  2. yes... 3 more weeks man... haha... looking forward to us getting together in Sibu too... =)
