Friday, May 6, 2011

Kepong trip

Finally get to blog after my very tough Bio assessment, haha... But before the assessment, I actually managed to have fun the weekend before, which I dun feel guilty about at all... Due to the extended weekend break as monday was a public holiday, I actually went on a trip with Jason, Clement, Lik Sing and Jian Hao to Kepong (a part of KL), and stayed at my friend's, Rafael's house... Actually our main purpose of this trip was to watch Arsenal vs MU on sunday night... Sadly, MU lost the match! =(

Reached there around 8.30pm (so late becuz jason was the driver and we all waiting for him to fetch us...)... and we went to have dinner at Medan Selera Kepong, where a lot of food can be found...

If ur wondering what the heck is this, this is a 5 star spicy 香肠... Rafael challenged Lik Sing and Jason to try one... and guess what happens?

Lik Sing's and Jason's expressions say it all... HAHAHA!

Then we went to watch the match at Rafael's house... Missed the first half, but that was ok... HD tv leh, damn nice..... Haha... Like I said, too bad MU lost...

bought these two 西米捞 from a famous shop in kepong and brought back to Rafael's house to eat... Kiwi and mango... I think I like both equally... Haha...

After the match, we went on to play PS3 on his HD TV!! Wow... Fifa was the main game we played other than other motion games and stuffs... then at 2am, we went out to eat supper at mamak stall... Look at our sleepy faces up there... XD

After that, go back sleep lo... slept till the next day morning around ten... went to eat dim sum at a very crowded shop, great business... go back to his house Dota and had lunch cooked by Rafael's mum... homecook food, how I miss them so badly... Haha... And finally, we went back in Rafael's car to Casa around 4 sth in the evening... 

Overall, Kepong trip was great in the sense that it was a getaway from our bio nerding and all those evolution stuffs... Special thanks to Rafael and his family for their hospitality... Maybe we shud have done this more often in the past... =)