Thursday, May 12, 2011

Believe it or not

LOL, I think I plagiarize other ppl's stuffs dy by posting this...
Anyway, I saw this in one of my friend's blog (he reblogged it from his friend oso who claimed to hear it from her teacher)... very confusing eh? Haha, simply put, it means this has been reblogged x2... Hope u all get to read this before u miss the required time... =)


Either you believe it or not, it's dreaming about love.
And to be more particular, detail and exact, it's dreaming about your future partner.
You can either see the visage of your partner clearly and lucidly or you can only see the silhouette of it.

Hey, trust me, this sounds absurd, ridiculous and incredulous!!! BUT I'm not bragging or boasting around. I'm just conveying the message that I know.

However, this "experiment" must be carried out under certain conditions.

Most importantly, it must be conducted on FRIDAY the 13th (the thirteenth day of a month that falls on Friday) only. A day which superstition holds to be a day of bad fortune.

First of all, you must have a pair of socks.
This pair of socks must not be worn by others but only you yourself.
Moreover, that must be the socks that you often wear.

Secondly, you must place the socks beneath your pillow, with condition also. The tips of the socks (where your toes should be) must be pointed to the direction where you always get down from your bed.

 Under the pillow that you sleep on.
Let's say if you get down everytime at your right side, then the tips of the socks should be pointed like the picture above.

Last but not least, you must sleep before 11pm. To be exact, you must not be conscious when it's 11pm.

So, sleep before 11pm.(Kinda hard though lol)

OK, I think that's all that I can channel to you. 
Give it a try if you're interested and curious to know how does your future partner looks like. 
Curiosity kills the cat. HEHE.
It won't harm you and it doesn't clash with any religious belief. 
Therefore, grab the golden chance that's coming up THIS FRIDAY, 13th May, 2011. (the 13th day of this month which falls on FRIDAY)

p/s: my teacher also claimed that some of them who attempted did succeed to see in their dreams but some not. XD


Believe it? Haha... Dunno if I'm gonna try it myself though... >.<


  1. it's irene nee not so should be 'her' not 'his' LOL
    and dude you should credit this post okay :P

  2. i wrote 'his friend' la, referring to u, pls read carefully la, zzz... how u wan me credit? I just follow the way u credit her oso what... >.<

  3. i didn't see my name at the end of the post lo :P haha no la i'm just joking.
