Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Holidays!! xD

Finally it's the end of my final exam for Semester 2... YEAH!!! That spells the end of my MUFY foundation programme, and the start of my 8 months long holidays! HAHAHA! As I mentioned before, home is the main thing I'm looking forward to at the moment... but before that, there's a lot to look forward to as well... I'm going on vacation with friends starting from this Friday till next Tuesday... that trip will be blogged about next week... Stay tuned! =)

So what's the first thing I'm going to do right after my finals? Hmmm... movies!! Specifically, Pirates of the Caribbean 4!! Hahaha...

Went to watch this movie with Vignaa just now at 5.30pm at GSC... This is a two hour 17 minutes movie... The movie was damn nice!! Captain Jack Sparrow is surely one of the funniest character ever la... hahaha! Great movie after my finals... I strongly recommend everyone to watch this movie, even if u never watched the first 3 movies (that's very unlikely...), because the movie does not continue from the previous 3 movies... Anyway, for those who are reli going to watch this movie, please heed my words... STAY BEHIND after the movie and wait for the credits to finish, there is something at the end... not much but worth it though! =D

Oh well, I realised that 8 months is reli super long for a holiday... Already, I'm thinking abt stuffs that I can do during that period... Maybe get a job, get more involved in church, learn how to cook, vacations (of cuz!)..... but most importantly, I have to make sure I enjoy every second of it, because this could be the last period of honeymoon in my life for a very long time... After this, I'll start the grueling process of becoming a doctor as well as living as a doctor... But, anything abt that is out of my mind now... I just wanna ENJOY! Hahaha...

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