Saturday, April 9, 2011

A getaway from stress and emoness!

FINALLY!! A much deserved getaway has arrived! Starting from today till next sunday is MUFY semester break... After two stressful months full of assignments and assessments, we Mufy-ians are finally getting something called 'rest' or 'fun', haha... I have to say I'm super relieved that holiday has arrived, just the right time for my weary soul to get some rest and enjoyment... I'm describing the break as a getaway because after the break, everything will return to normal as final exams will be one month away only, but that doesn't matter now, my mind is fully focused on my Holiday only... xP

For most Mufy-ians, this sem break is used for going back to respective homes and spending time with family... some 'super hardworking' ppl will even use their holiday to study (omg!)... Me? Completely different! Haha... I'm not going home during this one-week break... I have planned my semester break as a vacation week as I'm gonna travel to a few places in west malaysia which I have never been to... Why I dun wanna go back home? Hmmm, main reason is cuz I wanna make my college life a memorable one by travelling around, not a miserable one with only studies and studies... another reason is cuz all my buddies r still in west malaysia, so going back makes no point at all other than family... anyway, stay tuned for my next few posts, i will surely share my vacation week experience with u all... =)

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