Thursday, April 14, 2011

Destination #2 - Muar

After visiting Malacca, I didn't went back to sunway and went straight down to Muar with my fren, Shi Hao... of cuz I stayed at his house during this 1 day 1 night trip... =)

For dinner, we went to a place like a food court which sells lots of food... the best and most delicious food in Muar has to be the originally made otak-otak! I can assure u that, this is the best food I've had in my trip so far, and there's no better place to eat it other than Muar, haha... it's not just delicious, it's cheap also, 50 cents for one only... Super nice!!

this is 炸五香, where they fried 5 types of food and serve it in a plate... to be honest, I've never heard of it before... it tastes nice oso...

above is 八宝冰 and 六味汤... I had the second one for refreshments after all those food for dinner... :)

After dinner, we went to a place near the river in Muar... locals call the place 'Tanjung'... this is the place where normally couples, both young and old, like to come and spend their time together... it's dark and quiet, so I guess this is the perfect place for them, haha... due to us going on a weekday, u can't reli see many couples in the picture... weekends would be much different...

For supper, we went to a Malay shop for Muar's specialty, ikan bakar... u get to choose fresh fish and other seafood for them to cook for u the way u want... so we chose one piece of fish for ikan bakar (illustrated above) and some sotongs for them to fry... the fish was very fresh and tasted very nice... total only RM10... haha...

Shi Hao with his gf, both who accompanied me and kept treating me without my consent... THANK YOU! ^^

The next morning, we went to a place called 贪食街 where they sell many food again... so here we ate pork satay, which was very delicious oso... u dun get to eat pork satay everyday, do you? =D

And of cuz, before I left Muar, the food that I just need to eat again has to be more otak-otaks... haha... Muar trip is all about food I guess, and although the time was short, I enjoyed it a lot... Muar feels a lot like Sibu, my hometown... the people, the food, the buildings... gonna miss the otak-otaks the most xP

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