Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Destination #1 - Malacca

My first destination in this one week vacation, Malacca! Seen a lot of historical places and ate a lot of super delicious food there... Thanks a lot to Matthew Lee for being the driver and tour guide, Shi Hao for being the company, and Athena Ng for planning the whole thing... haha... Let's get to all the pictures, shall we? =)

 This is the much awaited chicken rice ball of Malacca! We had this for lunch on the first day, right after I reached Malacca... Hmm, to be honest with u, there wasn't anything special with its taste, just normal chicken rice shaped into a ball, a bit disappointed considering the high expectations I had for it... however, I guess what attracts ppl the most is the texture, haha... so, yeah! U shud try this out because it's too famous dy... The shop I went was Huang Chang, though Chung Wah and Hoe Kee are more famous places for eating this... haha...

Above r two cendols! First one is durian cendol, second one normal cendol... After lunch, we went to a shop called Jeta Groves for them... This has to be my favourite food in whole of Malacca! I dunno how to explain, but it's just so nice... u all must try the durian cendol, it's criminal not to try it if u go malacca... ^^ Jonker88, a shop in Jonker Street is more famous for this, however my fren said it's overrated and eating it at Jeta Groves is much more delicious... ;)

For dinner, we had satay celup... I always had an impression that satay celup is using the normal satay that u eat and dipping it into the kuah... Now I know that's not the case... They use all kinds of food as satay, lol... and it's not that expensive oso... every stick costs 60 cents at the shop we went, Ban Lee Siang... it was nice oso... Another shop, Capitol is oso famous for this, but it's more expensive and u need to line up very long for it...

After dinner, we went to Jonker Walk which only opens on fridays, saturdays and sundays nights... a lot of shops and ppl, which make it feels like pasar malam, just different in a way... LOL...

This is gula ketuk, which I have never seen or ate before in my life... we came across this shop at Jonker... it even has 阿贤人情味 to advertise for it, so we bought it, hahaha... dun look down on the size of the packet, because u can't finish it in a short instant!

The next morning, we went to a shop called Tan Kim Hock selling all types of locally made food from all over Malaysia... the most unique of cuz is dodol, a local Malacca kuih priduct... I bought 4 packets of it, but haven't try it yet, so I can't comment on it yet... haha...

Then, it's all about historical sites... we visited Satdhuys first, which I'm sure u all heard of before... The admission ticket was RM5 per person, but if ur smart enuf, there's actually a path at the back that leads into the muzium without needing to pay for it, hahaha... but too bad we didn't know... >.<

This is St Paul's Church, the oldest Catholic church in Malaysia, built by the Portuguese... it is 490 years old! This is damn old, u can be sure of that...

Christ Church, Melaka... the oldest Protestan church in Malaysia... I heard it's Anglican...

This is Porta Santiago, almost as old as the St Paul's church above...

After all that walking and visiting, we went to Mahkota Parade, a shopping mall in Malacca to take our lunch... We went to this shop called Sibaraku and ate buffet lunch there... the service was nice and the food was not bad oso... RM20 per person... We even made our own ABC at the end of our meal... they provide us with ice making machine, milk, gula melaka and all other materials, and u get to create ur own ABC in any ways u like... haha... Yummy!

All in all, this trip to Malacca is the best ever... had a lot of great food and visited many historical places which I have never been to in my life... I hope one day in future, I can go back there again and maybe try out stuffs I missed such as pork satay and pineapple tarts and go places such as the Waterworld and Wonderland... =)

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