Friday, April 15, 2011

Destination #3 - Cheras

After Muar, I did go back to Sunway for a short rest before continuing to embark on my journey... on weds noon, I set out with Cheery, my former schoolmate and current MUFY coursemate, to Cheras... This is the place where we just had to go on Wednesday, because the pasar malam there will only be opened on Wednesdays... I stayed over at my friend, Lawrence's hostel, and of cuz, we visited his current university, UCSI...

(from left: Cheery, Chieng Han, Mei Ming)
taking picture in front of UCSI's best toilet... LOL!

UCSI University South Wing... to be honest, the university's exterior view is so much more appealing than its interior view... seriously... (no offence, Lawrence, haha!)

For lunch, we had Sibu kampua in Cheras! The taste was very similar to Sibu's original kampua as the tauke there is a Sibu-lan himself... just that u can see minced meat at the top of the kampua which shouldn't be there and the price is so much more expensive (typical KL price)... however, it was enjoyable as I haven't had kampua for two months already... XD

We went to pasar malam in the evening... this is actually Malaysia's longest pasar malam... it is a straight long long path, unlike some other pasar malams which goes in a circle such as in SS2...

this is 臭豆腐, recommended by Lawrence... sry Lawrence, but I reli hated the taste as well as the smell... Haha...

Cheery holding her and my 可丽饼... ingredients include some veges and eggs, and u choose the main ingredient urself... we chose ham and after eating this, we all started feeling full...

This has to be my favourite food in pasar malam... 中国汉堡包... super nice! =D

refreshment after food hunting in pasar malam, haha... they put mango ice-cream, nuts, pearls and most importantly, fresh mango slices... very refreshing indeed!

me with Lawrence, the guy who guided us through his university as well as pasar malam... Thank you very much! And sry for bothering u although ur gonna have trials next week... =)

One more thing abt this visit to Cheras is that I get to meet Mei Ming, a fren who I've not met for a very long time... it was great to see her again, haha... I hope after MUFY, I can ask my frens to visit Cheras pasar malam together...

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