Friday, April 22, 2011

Destination #5 - KLCC

Hey guys, sry for the delayed posting of this... this is due to my lack of access to internet at hostel and not having the mood to blog in college oso... hehe... anyway, i'll keep this simple...

My 5th and final destination in my semester break is KLCC! So what happened was that day (Sunday) was also the Palm Sunday mass in my church, a mass that I must not miss... what was supposed to be a noon trip became a mid-afternoon trip as I only reached there around 3pm... Anyway, after reaching there and having some immense difficulty to find my friends (Kuen Luen, Eric and KL's fren), we went to this PC Fair... that day happens to be the last day of PC Fair and the place was like CRAZY! Swarms and swarms of ppl non-stop... Lots of hot showgirls on display oso, haha... anyway, i bought a RM59 speaker for my laptop, dunno what stroke me at that moment, regret it a bit after that...

After that, KLCC wasn't much oso... just some tall buildings all around and the mall is typically big... we had dinner at Chili's which was damn expensive... I wasted almost RM40 for one single meal for dinner, ouch!

So that marks the end of my semester break... I have to admit, that week of semester break is the best moment I've enjoyed in my MUFY life... it's clearly in a different category than all other moments where only studies and nerds r involved in my life... anyway, I clearly enjoyed it and will cherish it in my heart for a very long time... =)

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