Saturday, February 4, 2012

Listening to songs

Not long ago, I was listening to a chinese love song called '擦肩而过' in my car while I was driving... I was listening carefully to the lyrics, and somehow I couldn't relate the song to myself at all... I suddenly had a thought in my mind... Are there times in life when whatever songs u listen to, whether love songs or emo songs, u can relate almost every song to urself?

For example, when u listen to love songs like 'Love Story' or 'Queen of My Heart', u'll always have that specific person in ur mind to think of, no matter what the status of ur relationship is... or if ur heartbroken or emo recently, any emo song that's playing can be describing urself... What does all this have in common? What's in common is that u have that special person in ur life, whom u love, or loved, and u'll always think abt him/her when u listen to songs...

But earlier, I mentioned I couldn't relate the song to myself, what abt that? I think it's because I dun have any special person in mind at the moment, that's why when I listen to love or emo songs, it'll just be like that... I can't get myself emotional at all... Of cuz I had periods in life where whatever songs I listen to, I'll think that the songs are describing myself...

Well, what's the point of this blog post? I have no idea, haha. Maybe I'm trying to declare myself as forever alone, hahahaha!

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