Thursday, February 16, 2012

Summary of my long holiday~

Yes (and no!!!), finally my long holiday has ended! It's been 8 and a half months since I started my holiday, can't believe it has ended just like that... It reli feel like it was not so long ago when I just started my holiday, how time flies!! >.<

So how do I summarize my long holiday? I did try to think abt it, but then there's just too much details to mention, which would make this post too long! Haha... 

Basically, from June till mid September, I was just enjoying my life to the max and going out everyday with friends, most notably Kuen Luen, Lee Tong and Oswald... then from mid Sep till mid Nov, I got a job of being a teacher in Sacred Heart Secondary School... after that till the end of 2011, I was actively involved in church activities, this has always been the case for the past few years... January 2012 was abt promoter work for Dahfa and of cuz, Chinese New Year... Finally, to sum up the whole holiday, I used the last few weeks of my holiday to enjoy once again! Food, games, movies, futsal matches, u name it~~ =P

Honestly, this has been one of the most memorable period of my life, as it's filled with everything... I've gained experiences for so many stuffs such as work, due to working four different part-time jobs during this period... For health, I was constantly involved in sport activities such as futsal games and jogging too... my friendship with my friends from church and secondary school became stronger and closer than ever... I also spent much more time with family when others couldn't at all... and if that's not enuf, I even fell in love for one girl and then gave up in the same period of time... How colourful can this holiday be? Haha...

And here I am, sitting on my bed now at my new place in USJ 2, Petaling Jaya, typing this post... there are things in life that we wish will never end, such as holidays and moments of happiness, but they do end, we just have to move on... Now, I declare to myself that I am ready for my next challenge in life, which is my uni life... Bring it on! I shall fight this battle with God by my side... =)

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