Monday, January 30, 2012

CNY Visitings~~

After a whole week of bai nian (visiting), I'm absolutely exhausted!! >.< For the first time in my life, my chinese new year visits extended from the first day consecutively till the seventh day, oh my goodness! Haha... And this is not assuring that I'm not going again tomolo =P

Well, as always, the first two days would be visiting relatives from both sides of my parents... This year, something unexpected happened... Unfortunately, I actually got SICK on the very first day of CNY, 'perfect'! I started having blocked nose and soon flu, and all these got worse on the 2nd day as I started having very sour eyes and serious headache throughout the whole day... Basically I slept for almost the whole day at home, how unlucky =.= It doesn't matter though, cuz by the time I started lying down anywhere and everywhere, I've finished all the relatives' houses, haha...

3rd day, I went with frens to our secondary school teachers' houses, which was quite nice... 4th day, group visits with church frens... 5th day, former schoolmates and buddies... and the final two days are with church frens again... Slowly as my visits progress, my sickness got better and better, thank God for that! =D And one thing that's different this year, is that I started taking lots of red wine during my visits... Honestly, I love red wine, and someday I'm gonna try to get drunk to see how is my ability to withstand alcohol, cuz I can see that I'm not that bad at it, haha... I actually took 8 cups of red wine in a day and didn't even feel anything in my stomach... XD

This picture was taken on the 5th day... the only regret that I have is that next year, I won't get to take pictures with half of them, cuz they'll be overseas and not able to come back for CNY... How time flies and everyone is moving in their own directions... That's why it's always essential to appreciate ur time together with ur frens... I sure did have a great week, and I'll cherish the sweet moments in my heart... :')

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