Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Trip to Bintangor

This morning (Tuesday), I went on a trip with my ex-schoolmates to Bintagor... This trip was planned by Timothy Ngu and he reli did a great job in settling all the transports, shops to eat, photos and so many more, credits to him! =D So, we started our journey around 8.15am and came back to Sibu around 12.30pm... It was reli a short simple trip abt food, companionship, scenery and photo takings, haha... A great way to sum up my holiday! =P

Waiting for our prawn mee to be served... =D
My favourite drink nowadays, Teh C! Haha...
The delicious prawn mee... It's freaking expensive as well! >.<
Rojak! Not bad oso~~~
One of the scenery in Bintagor...

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