Friday, July 8, 2011


Finally, my interview is over! Phew, now I can breathe again, haha... The interview is actually one of the requirements for me to enter Monash University to study medicine, so it was a very important interview... I wasted a whole week preparing for it and even quited Maple during the whole time... prepared a lot of basic questions such as 'Tell us about yourself' and 'Why do you want to be a doctor?', which in the end became useless, cuz the interview questions was situation based questions... sigh...

Anyway, I just came back from Sunway in a 24 hour trip... reached KL at 8pm on wed night, and back in Sibu at 8pm just now, super fast right? Luckily I did that, cuz I had nothing to do at all in Sunway... Before I went for the interview, I called my fren who did her interview on wed, which is earlier than me, and asked her about the interview... do u consider that cheating? Oh well, who cares, right? Haha... through her, I got to know beforehand that's it's situation based questions, so I did some research quickly at home before I fly to KL (where there's no internet for me)...

For the interview, there weren't just July 2010 MUFY intake, many other unknown faces were there as well... we were divided into three groups, every group having 2 stations... My group had 8 ppl, with 2 persons going into the 2 stations per round, n then swapping stations... every station is 10 minutes, so each round lasted 20 minutes... and guess what? Unfortunately, I was the 8th person, meaning I have to wait for 60 minutes before my turn... that was the longest grueling 60 minutes I've had in a very long time, oh my gosh... U have to sit there n be silent, not doing anything other than staring anywhere u wanna stare...

Anyway, when it was my turn, I guess my interview went ok... Although at one or two moments I went blank, most of the time I just talked and talked... now I'm just hoping that what I said was what they were looking for >.< What's left now r IELTS and ISAT... Go! Go! Go! xD

1 comment:

  1. Hi Albert!
    I'll be facing the same interview in July
    so, were they ALL situation based questions?
    and you said 2 persons going into 2 station, did you mean 1 person per station? how many interviewer were there?
    anyway, thank you so much for creating this blog! (:
