Saturday, July 23, 2011

Graduation night

I just had a 4 day trip to Sunway due to the graduation night for my pre-U program, MUFY... graduation was just one night, but why was I there for 4 days then? U might say I'm a busy person with many things to settle, haha... 

Anyway, let's just get straight to the main event of my trip, MUFY Graduation Night... I was very excited about it, cuz it was an occasion where I can dress up smartly and do my hair nicely to let others see... xD In order to look better on the night, I borrowed a coat from my cousin, which was actually his wedding coat, LOL... it was a bit too big, I have to admit, but oh well, overall it still looks ok... haha... However, on graduation day itself, things didn't start quite well for me... while I was bathing before going for graduation, I actually broke one of my nose pads of my specs (the pair of small thingy lying between the eyes), oh no! =.= But in the end I just continue wearing it, and luckily no one realized it, haha!

So, this is me and arguably my best fren in MUFY, Vignaa... so how do I look? Haha... I tried my best making a good hairstyle, which I dun do very often... Pls ignore my tie, it just annoys me even more now when I look through my photos of the night, my tie was crooked in all of them! >.< 

Of cuz, graduation was all about certificates and prizes... So a lot of awards and certificates were given out on the night... Apart from awards for highest scores in subjects, there were two more individual major awards, Award for Achievement and Award for Excellence... I was actually aiming for the Award for Excellence, which was given to the person with the highest MUFY score... in the end, I didn't get it and instead I got the Achievement Award, given to someone who contributed significantly in both academic and co-curricular activities... This came to me as a big surprise as I keep scratching my head, what co-curricular contribution did I give o?? Oh well, I'm just grateful and wanna thank all the lecturers and coursemates who helped me on the way... =)

Me with my award and certificate and stuffs
Awards and certificates recipients

Lastly, with everyone all dressed up so smart and gorgeous, taking pictures was just something everyone had to do... I reli loved the fact that u could take pictures with so many different ppl, even with some ppl who u normally wouldn't expect to... 

Personally, my favorite was a picture that I took with this one particular girl... honestly, she was the girl that attracted me the most on the night, dazzlingly beautiful, haha... too bad we were never close enuf frens to ever chat or talk normally... I even thought she hated me last year, cuz I gave a bad first impression and was too initiative? Oh well, I can only wish that one day, she could actually eliminate her barrier against me and give me some kind of response... there's still 5 more years to go though, haha... Sry guys, but I'm not gonna post that picture here, in respect to her privacy and identity... =)

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