Monday, July 18, 2011

Working, finally~~

Finally I've found a job after almost two months of holiday and time wasting, haha! It's a promoter job for Nestle Corn Flakes, specially for the Hari Raya period... The pay is quite nice, 7 hours per day, RM57, and I only work on Fridays to Sundays every week up until Hari Raya... I calculated that in total, I'll be able to earn more than 1k at the end, easy money, u think? Think again!

First of all, as I think u all will know, working is nth fun, most of the time it's damn boring cuz seriously, it's just NO FUN! Secondly, promoter is a job where u have to talk and talk and talk, and get rejected most of the time, it's super FRUSTRATING! Thirdly, standing for seven hours a day without sitting, it's TIRING!

What makes my work much harder is the fact that I'm left with nothing but myself and my mouth... One would expect a promoter of corn flakes to at least have samples for customers to taste, but I don't have! My company refused to provide... =.= How do u expect me to promote corn flakes without samples when everybody knows exactly what is corn flakes?! Plus, the Hari Raya period is not even close at the moment, making this a normal period for everyone, ppl dun tend to buy corn flakes unless it's for breakfast... and to make matters worse, most ppl prefer tastier breakfast cereals such as Koko Krunch or Honey Stars, sigh... I virtually gave up in the end and was just standing there daydreaming as I know nine times out of ten, I'll get rejected by customers whom I promote Nestle Corn Flakes to... >.<

Let's just hope things get better as the Hari Raya period edges closer n closer...

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