Sunday, July 17, 2011

Self accident T.T

U might be wondering what accident is it?? Okay, it's a motorcycle accident... I fell off my bike on Thurs morning by myself, damn lousy driver, right? No! Partly it was my inexperience, however the main cause was the stupid road full of mud n stones... I was turning at 10 or 20 km/h, and then my bike just slided and I literally 'flew' forward... Ouch! Luckily I got two injuries only, which is still super painful... @.@

Look at the numerous holes on my right foot... zzz...

And this is my bloody right arm... T.T

Both of these pictures were taken at home before going for treatment... Anyway, the place of incident is very far away from my house, n after the fall, my bike was doomed (or so I thought!), so I had to call my dad to be my saviour... He drove to my place immediately n when he arrived, he tried adjusting my bike, and to my amazement, the bike is still ride-able, haha... since I can't ride it in my state, my dad rode it back while I drove home! Impressive, driving a manual car with my injured right foot... =.=

At the moment, I'm ok and currently in progress of recovery... I just hope it won't become a hindrance to me when I go to Sunway on Tues for my coming graduation dinner... >.<


  1. take care man. so how issit now? better?

  2. it dried up dy, waiting for it come off... haha... but still wounds tend to look ugly... ==
