Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Doctors ----> Instant Noodles??

As I was reading through a blog written by a doctor in JB, I came across this post which I find very very interesting... Apparently this doctor (Dr Pagalavan) reblogged it from another doctor (Dr Simon)... Below is what Dr Simon wrote, and somehow I just felt like posting it in my blog as well... =)


let me draw an analogy how is a doctor being produced in this morden day..
first, you must know the concept of instant noodle..
you can choose vegetarian flavour, or spicy ramen flavour.. similarly you can choose to study medicine in local or abroad..
open up the cap, throw all the seasoning into the cup.. similarly, you attend the medical school and the lecturers throw all the textbooks on you.. (it is very sad to say that when the students approach the lecturers for any doubt in their study, the lecturers most of the time and most likely will answer like this “go back and read your books, come back and tell me the answers tomorrow”.. so basically the doctors nowadays are produced by medical textbooks and not by medical schools.. and this also means that most of the medical lecturers nowadays are makan gaji buta (earning easy money).. surprisingly, some of these lecturers even do not know their subjects well and do not know how to perform a clinical examination in a proper way..!!!!!
then, pour in some boiled water.. similarlly, the students are “floating” in the medical schools.. study just because of assignments, tests, examinations.. but do not know how to link the basic sciences with the clinical problems, do not appreciate the progress of a disease, everything also main hentam and tembak(shooting the answers all around)..
and finally, you get your instant noodle, and instant stethoscope.. :p
so how can we expect these instant noodle doctors to perform their tasks competently and to function as a house officer confidently..?????


As far as I've heard, some ppl do tell me stuffs like above... but until I experience it myself next year when I start my MBBS course in Monash University, I can't really agree or disagree with the stuffs written above... Anyway, I vow that I will not be an instant noodles doctor in future... xD

P.S. The full link to the original post from Dr Pagalavan's blog is http://pagalavan.com/2011/06/19/future-of-malaysian-healthcare-part-1/

1 comment:

  1. lol... good post. Doctors now are like instant noodles, we can get it everywhere, any brand (local or overseas).
