Thursday, June 9, 2011

A Walk To Remember

Oh my gosh, this is seriously a great and heart-warming movie! Okay, I know it's a 2002 movie, quite old already and the movie title doesn't seem too attractive, but oh boy, this is a must watch movie! First of all, full credits to my friend, Michelle Ting for telling me about this movie... Thank you very much! I have to admit, a cold-hearted guy like me, even almost cried during the movie, so I'm sure many others will cry while watching it...

Anyway, let's talk abt this movie... This movie is adapted according to a novel written by Nicholas Sparks... however the plot of the movie does not follow the novel fully... nonetheless, the movie by itself is a great version already... In this movie, it's about two persons from very different backgrounds getting into a deep love relationship... in their journey of love, they have to go through many obstacles as well as a heartbreaking twist of fate... Yeah, what I just described might sound very simple, corny and predictable, but trust me, this is a movie u have to watch! Through it, it's about trust, romance, faith and of cuz, most importantly, love! The movie touched my heart to the deepest core, and it's not all abt boy-girl relationship only, there are many others oso... The way the guy sacrificed for the girl, oh boy, how I wish I can be like that too... =)

Here's a great soundtrack in the movie... I find myself playing this track over and over again countless times after downloading it straight after watching the movie... Hope u guys would take some time off and watch the movie... if u dunno how to get it, ask from me anytime... ^^


  1. you watched 'the notebook' before?

  2. not yet... but similar kind of movie, right??

  3. yep it's also really nice. even saw a comment 'best love movie ever' for this movie hahaha and ms cheryl she even recommended this movie to us last time haha
