Sunday, June 26, 2011

Work or don't work?

I'm getting damn bored of my holiday life... so of course the idea of getting a job comes to my mind... however, the problem is, it's very very hard to find a good job in Sibu!! Well, Sibu as some of u may not know, is a low living cost town (no, it's not a city, yet!)... commonly, it means the salary is super low as well... >.<

So what I did was I went to find my secondary school's principal to apply as a relief teacher to replace teachers needing to take maternity leaves... my principal told me that the earliest is August for the next teacher to do that, meaning I have to wait! After considering, I guess I wanted to find a temporary job for July while waiting for it... So, I went around Sibu to find jobs, and to my astonishment, the pay is just simply 'incredible'... =.= Sugarbun (RM2.50/hour), McD (RM2.30/hour), Pizza Hut (RM2.90/hour) and some other jobs maximum salary RM500-550 only... sigh...

What's the point of getting a job with a low pay? Just for the sake of spending my time doing something useful? Oh well, my conclusion, I'll just wait for the teacher job, and maybe rot in the house for at least another month... haha...

P.S. For those of you who r wondering how I did in my MUFY results which came out on weds, oh well, all I can say is it's ok although I'm quite disappointed in what I got for Biology... but overall, I'm contented... =)

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