Sunday, June 19, 2011

Out of ideas?? @.@

Oh deary deary me... more than a week since I last blogged dy... I am truly sorry for all my readers who kept checking out my blog and left disappointed cuz I didn't add new stuffs to my blog at all... But to be honest, since I came back to my hometown, I have lost all motivation and ideas to blog dy... why is this happening? I can only say that my life is quite meaningless at the moment, maybe that's why I feel quite empty everytime I think about blogging nowadays...

My daily routine can be explained in a series of events... haha... wake up late, lunch, computer, dinner, computer again, sleep late, and finally wake up late again... the cycle is never ending... of cuz sometimes there are some extra spices, such as go out with frens, movies and church... but basically, that's abt it for my daily life nowadays... how boring life can be, right? >.<

Anyway, something astonishing n somehow exciting is coming soon... my MUFY 2nd sem results is coming out soon! It's gonna be out this weds evening at 5pm according to predictions... oh boy! oh boy! I reli have no idea how I did this time... do pray for me! Thank you very much! Haha... xD

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