Thursday, May 26, 2011

Hope-Less! =.=

In previous blog posts, I talked abt a girl in MUFY that I liked, confessed, and failed... So, what's the situation now? Well, ya, I guess u shud know the answer by referring to the title above... >.< 

We actually became quite close abt a month ago... we chatted more and became a lot more like how we were before... at the time, I thought wow, maybe we could become closer again and MAYBE I could give it a second try... but subsequent happenings weren't quite favorable... Sigh... firstly, she became very very bad mood... I tried to show my concern, but she refused to tell me anything... I'm fine with that, so I stopped bothering her... and then, when she's finally cheering up, through fb, I found out that she likes a guy in Sunway... Bam! That's the end of my 2nd try... was planning to ask her abt it after finals, but that's not necessary now... She liking another guy, just shows that I have no position in her heart at all... T.T
Then I thought, hmmm... maybe we could still be best frens, as she said to me before? As much as I hope for that to happen, I know deep down in my heart that it's impossible... After not properly chatting with her for quite a long time, I tried chatting with her last night (right after our finals)... She said she was not watching drama and actually very free... u might think we can finally get a good chat right? Wrong! The way she replied me in msn, is just the same as when she's busy... That's the final straw for me... I'm not angry or sad, just awoken from my dream...
From now on, I shall cut off all my desperation of wanting a gf... it's that very same desperation that has caused me to like the wrong girl at the wrong time, wrong place and wrong way... "Don’t find love, let love find you. That’s why its called falling in love, because you don’t force yourself to fall, you just fall." (Lawrence Kiing, 2011)... this is going to be my attitude from now on... no more desperation, no more hope, just patience... This I hope, is the last blog post about this matter... sure all of u r getting sick of it too... sry if that's the case... >.<

And as for her, I can only wish her all the best in her future... Hope that she finds the boy of her life who she likes... Someone who would be more handsome than me, smarter than me, cooler than me, and most importantly, someone who would quarrel with her more, just the way she like... =X

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Holidays!! xD

Finally it's the end of my final exam for Semester 2... YEAH!!! That spells the end of my MUFY foundation programme, and the start of my 8 months long holidays! HAHAHA! As I mentioned before, home is the main thing I'm looking forward to at the moment... but before that, there's a lot to look forward to as well... I'm going on vacation with friends starting from this Friday till next Tuesday... that trip will be blogged about next week... Stay tuned! =)

So what's the first thing I'm going to do right after my finals? Hmmm... movies!! Specifically, Pirates of the Caribbean 4!! Hahaha...

Went to watch this movie with Vignaa just now at 5.30pm at GSC... This is a two hour 17 minutes movie... The movie was damn nice!! Captain Jack Sparrow is surely one of the funniest character ever la... hahaha! Great movie after my finals... I strongly recommend everyone to watch this movie, even if u never watched the first 3 movies (that's very unlikely...), because the movie does not continue from the previous 3 movies... Anyway, for those who are reli going to watch this movie, please heed my words... STAY BEHIND after the movie and wait for the credits to finish, there is something at the end... not much but worth it though! =D

Oh well, I realised that 8 months is reli super long for a holiday... Already, I'm thinking abt stuffs that I can do during that period... Maybe get a job, get more involved in church, learn how to cook, vacations (of cuz!)..... but most importantly, I have to make sure I enjoy every second of it, because this could be the last period of honeymoon in my life for a very long time... After this, I'll start the grueling process of becoming a doctor as well as living as a doctor... But, anything abt that is out of my mind now... I just wanna ENJOY! Hahaha...

Saturday, May 21, 2011

We No Speak Americano xP

Man, I just can't get the tune of this song out of my head right now... and the video quite stupid n funny oso... HAHAHAHA...

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Home................ T.T

MUFY is gonna end very very soon... Tomolo is the start of the 2nd semester finals, and ends next wednesday for bio students like me... After that, there will be so many things to look forward to, such as vacations, holidays, movies, games, friends, everything! 

But what I want the most at this moment, is HOME! I reli reli miss my home so so much now... I'm going back to Sibu on 7th June, and by the time I reach home, it will be 4 whole months since I've stepped onto the land of Sibu... T.T This has been the longest ever period I've been away from home, and I reli miss everything there... My family, my parents, my house, my desktop, my bed... I oso miss Sibu food so much, Sibu delicacies as well as my mum's cooking... @.@

Swan, the symbol of Sibu! =)

Sibu, the place I've spent 18 years of my life in, the most comfortable and familiar place in my memory... that's where the best frens n best memories are made... the place where ppl would call me 'funny and joyful' rather than 'fisherman'... the place where ppl reli understands me as in who I reli am, rather than condemn me to the sword based on their own perception... the place where I'm reli HAPPY, and not trying to put a mask on my face and PRETEND to be happy... Frankly, I just miss where I belong, and that is SIBU, my sweetest HOME SWEET HOME! I reli can't wait any longer... T.T

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Do you believe in coincidence?

Okay, although the final exams are around the horizon, but something else is attracting my interest these few days... JPA results came out on friday, and of cuz me and my fellow schoolmates were quite curious to know who got the scholarships and any juniors that might possibly join us... Initially, I wasn't expecting any juniors as one of my coursemate actually went to the JPA office, and they told him that we are the last batch of students getting JPA to Monash local... But very surprisingly, one of them apparently got the offer here this year, same as mine, medicine in Monash local...

And guess who got it? It's my ex-gf!! What a coincidence! I only got to know on saturday morning when one of her frens told me through facebook... I was literally speechless and @.@... Haha! But seriously, what a coincidence! I dunno I shud laugh or cry, reli is 哭笑不得 lo, haha...

But then again, when I think carefully, ex-gf going to be my junior, WHO CARES?? Right?? Lol... It's been more than 2 years since our breakup, and we're not friends since then... It's not like I never tried to befriend with her again, but she's the one who's refusing to let go, or rather it's her current BF who likes to add oil to fire... I reli did try, added her in fb, but in the end, what did I get? She thought I've come to realise my mistakes and have came back to beg her... Ya, right! =.= I just have a very simple desire to be normal friends with her again, and she misunderstood my intention, or rather her BF (again! =.=) manipulated her thinking and even threatened me... He thought he scared me, but come on la... get into a fist to fist fight with me, I can lay him flat in 5 seconds la... But let's not get too much into her BF, everyone knows he's a F**KER, my classmate for 3 years who only knows how to talk the talk...

Hmmm, I guess it was my fault that we broke up in such a manner, and I guess I hurt her in a very cruel way back then... I'm sry for what happened, but am I the only one to blame? I'm not looking for excuses, but seriously we were both immature kids dating for the very 1st time in our lives back then... we weren't honest with each other, got anything unhappy never tell each other oso... that maybe is the main thing that contributed to our breakup...

For now, she is going to be my junior in one and half a year, unless she rejects the offer eventually (which I doubt she would, it's more than 500k we're talking about here)... whether it will affect me a lot, I dunno... I'm posting this cuz everybody's making such a big fuss that she's gonna be where I am... I hope maybe one day, we could become friends again, but that day won't be too soon, I think... anyway, for now, I couldn't care much abt it... xP

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Believe it or not

LOL, I think I plagiarize other ppl's stuffs dy by posting this...
Anyway, I saw this in one of my friend's blog (he reblogged it from his friend oso who claimed to hear it from her teacher)... very confusing eh? Haha, simply put, it means this has been reblogged x2... Hope u all get to read this before u miss the required time... =)


Either you believe it or not, it's dreaming about love.
And to be more particular, detail and exact, it's dreaming about your future partner.
You can either see the visage of your partner clearly and lucidly or you can only see the silhouette of it.

Hey, trust me, this sounds absurd, ridiculous and incredulous!!! BUT I'm not bragging or boasting around. I'm just conveying the message that I know.

However, this "experiment" must be carried out under certain conditions.

Most importantly, it must be conducted on FRIDAY the 13th (the thirteenth day of a month that falls on Friday) only. A day which superstition holds to be a day of bad fortune.

First of all, you must have a pair of socks.
This pair of socks must not be worn by others but only you yourself.
Moreover, that must be the socks that you often wear.

Secondly, you must place the socks beneath your pillow, with condition also. The tips of the socks (where your toes should be) must be pointed to the direction where you always get down from your bed.

 Under the pillow that you sleep on.
Let's say if you get down everytime at your right side, then the tips of the socks should be pointed like the picture above.

Last but not least, you must sleep before 11pm. To be exact, you must not be conscious when it's 11pm.

So, sleep before 11pm.(Kinda hard though lol)

OK, I think that's all that I can channel to you. 
Give it a try if you're interested and curious to know how does your future partner looks like. 
Curiosity kills the cat. HEHE.
It won't harm you and it doesn't clash with any religious belief. 
Therefore, grab the golden chance that's coming up THIS FRIDAY, 13th May, 2011. (the 13th day of this month which falls on FRIDAY)

p/s: my teacher also claimed that some of them who attempted did succeed to see in their dreams but some not. XD


Believe it? Haha... Dunno if I'm gonna try it myself though... >.<

Monday, May 9, 2011

You are so beautiful..... to me! =)

I know this song might sound very lame to some ppl... but for me, this song is so romantic and heart touching... It doesn't matter how other ppl might see you, what matters the most is, you are so beautiful in my eyes and in my heart... ^^

You are so beautiful
To me
You are so beautiful
To me
Can't you see
You're everything I hoped for
You're everything I need
You are so beautiful
To me

You are so beautiful
To me
You are so beautiful
To me
Can't you see
You're everything I hoped for
You're everything I need

You are so beautiful
You are so beautiful
You are so beautiful
To me 

Friday, May 6, 2011

Kepong trip

Finally get to blog after my very tough Bio assessment, haha... But before the assessment, I actually managed to have fun the weekend before, which I dun feel guilty about at all... Due to the extended weekend break as monday was a public holiday, I actually went on a trip with Jason, Clement, Lik Sing and Jian Hao to Kepong (a part of KL), and stayed at my friend's, Rafael's house... Actually our main purpose of this trip was to watch Arsenal vs MU on sunday night... Sadly, MU lost the match! =(

Reached there around 8.30pm (so late becuz jason was the driver and we all waiting for him to fetch us...)... and we went to have dinner at Medan Selera Kepong, where a lot of food can be found...

If ur wondering what the heck is this, this is a 5 star spicy 香肠... Rafael challenged Lik Sing and Jason to try one... and guess what happens?

Lik Sing's and Jason's expressions say it all... HAHAHA!

Then we went to watch the match at Rafael's house... Missed the first half, but that was ok... HD tv leh, damn nice..... Haha... Like I said, too bad MU lost...

bought these two 西米捞 from a famous shop in kepong and brought back to Rafael's house to eat... Kiwi and mango... I think I like both equally... Haha...

After the match, we went on to play PS3 on his HD TV!! Wow... Fifa was the main game we played other than other motion games and stuffs... then at 2am, we went out to eat supper at mamak stall... Look at our sleepy faces up there... XD

After that, go back sleep lo... slept till the next day morning around ten... went to eat dim sum at a very crowded shop, great business... go back to his house Dota and had lunch cooked by Rafael's mum... homecook food, how I miss them so badly... Haha... And finally, we went back in Rafael's car to Casa around 4 sth in the evening... 

Overall, Kepong trip was great in the sense that it was a getaway from our bio nerding and all those evolution stuffs... Special thanks to Rafael and his family for their hospitality... Maybe we shud have done this more often in the past... =)

Sunday, May 1, 2011

another day, another couples...

If u guys can still remember, I posted something about 'love is in the air' before... and now, as more days pass by, even my roommate has a girl in his life already... Although they're not officially couples, but judging from the way they act, they're undoubtedly couples from heart... in the end, I just can't help myself but to become a little bit emo, which is what brings me here to blog abt these stuffs again...

Sometimes I tend to look out the window and stare into the sky, no matter day or night, good or bad weathers... rainy weather is the most efficient in causing my mind to be filled with these stuffs... and today afternoon while taking a rest from all those Bio notes, I did the same thing again...

As my college life comes to an end soon in less than a month time, I recalled all my MUFY memories so far... although it's a mixture of joy and misery, the one having the most effect on me is still her... although the pain is no longer as intense as before, but everytime I think abt it, I'll always end up with a long sigh..... sometimes I just hope I could time travel back to last year July, then I would be able to undo all the wrongs I've done and all the wrong moves I've taken... 0.0

Many of my friends in MUFY have their own gf's... and now my roommate getting one soon, it makes me envy him and everyone else more... I know I shud understand that 'True Love Waits'... that everyone will only get ONE boy/girl in their lives... and not everyone would have found their only ONE by 19 years old... some ppl might need to wait till 30+ years old to found theirs... but why am I so impatient abt this? I guess......... I just feel lonely, that's all... just want to have someone special to share my life journey with... but unfortunately, she's not the ONE... what's the point of me blogging abt this anyway? I dun understand myself oso... zzz....