Sunday, February 26, 2012

Transition camp to Port Dickson

As I mentioned in the last post, I went to a transition camp to Port Dickson, which is part of our orientation program... U might think this is super fun or sth like that, but it's actually more serious than that... ya sure the fun is there, but the camp is more abt briefing us abt how our MBBS course would be like, and helping us to get used to university life better... It was a 3 days 2 nights trip, and I got to know lots of frens in there as well...

Anyway, the seniors were the ones who helped the most in making this camp a success, and they gave quite a lot of wise advice to us abt how we shud deal with our studies and lifestyle once we start our course... They were saying that we shud study at least an hour everyday to be able to catch up, and somehow this gave me a lot of pressure... everyone knows that I'm not the kind of person who would study everyday, and this is asking a lot from me >.<

Ah well, our classes start tomorrow, and the normal schedule from Mon till Fri is 8am-5pm DAILY! Dun think I'll have that much time to facebook or blog from now on... I'll still try to update my blog once a week, so I hope u all can try to bear with me... =D

Friday, February 24, 2012

My 20th birthday!!

Well well, in a blink of an eye, my 20th birthday passed just like that... For those of u who still doesn't know, my birthday falls on 22nd Feb every year, which was two days ago on Wednesday... This year, I was neither in Sibu nor Sunway to celebrate my birthday, as I had to go to Port Dickson to join a transition camp, which is part of orientation (more of that in the next blog post ^^)... So, as expected, no one actually celebrated for me on my birthday... I even stopped showing my DOB on facebook this year, as I wanted to prevent ppl from spamming my wall, but surprisingly, numerous ppl still wished me, haha...

However, there were actually two surprises for my birthday this year... 1st of all, my Sibu frens, 13 of my ex-schoolmates gave me an early birthday present, a Manchester United home jersey!! Oh my gosh, this has to be the best birthday present I have ever got from anyone in my whole life... I have been dreaming of having my own MU jersey for so long, and now that dream has come true, big THANK YOU to the 13 of u! XD And mind you all, it didn't come for a cheap price too @@

The jersey!! =P
The 2nd one was even more surprising, as it was after my birthday on Thursday night... The camp organisers, which would be my seniors, actually came out with a cake and celebrated for those whose birthday fell on 22nd till 24th Feb... I must say I was truly stunned and this was reli memorable... Thank you seniors!!

There goes my birthday this year... though nth much happened on my actual birthday itself, the 2 surprises along with it were enough to make this birthday the memorable one yet... =D

Monday, February 20, 2012

First Day in Monash University

Today, finally I'm officially a university student after 8 and a half months wait, haha... Well, I dun have much comment abt the first day cuz the programs were all abt briefing this, briefing that, quite boring if u ask me... >.< Of cuz, one thing abt orientation is u get the chance to meet ur new course mates and maybe even pick up a few lenglui frens, haha... but for me, today was more abt meeting up with my old MUFY course mates, it was great catching up with them again =D

There was another event today too... It was my close buddy, Vignaa's birthday! Happy birthday! Haha... After all the programs were done today, I went to Sunway Pyramid with him, and we watched the movie 'Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance' together (he paid for my ticket >.<), and then we went to take dinner at TGIF Friday's, wow! (we shared the cost though)... so basically I feel guilty for not doing anything for him today on his birthday... gotta find a chance to get back to him again ^^

Orientation is one whole week, and includes a transition camp to Port Dickson for students from Jeffery Cheah School of Medicine and Health Sciences... So yeah, hope I can start making new frens soon... =P

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Summary of my long holiday~

Yes (and no!!!), finally my long holiday has ended! It's been 8 and a half months since I started my holiday, can't believe it has ended just like that... It reli feel like it was not so long ago when I just started my holiday, how time flies!! >.<

So how do I summarize my long holiday? I did try to think abt it, but then there's just too much details to mention, which would make this post too long! Haha... 

Basically, from June till mid September, I was just enjoying my life to the max and going out everyday with friends, most notably Kuen Luen, Lee Tong and Oswald... then from mid Sep till mid Nov, I got a job of being a teacher in Sacred Heart Secondary School... after that till the end of 2011, I was actively involved in church activities, this has always been the case for the past few years... January 2012 was abt promoter work for Dahfa and of cuz, Chinese New Year... Finally, to sum up the whole holiday, I used the last few weeks of my holiday to enjoy once again! Food, games, movies, futsal matches, u name it~~ =P

Honestly, this has been one of the most memorable period of my life, as it's filled with everything... I've gained experiences for so many stuffs such as work, due to working four different part-time jobs during this period... For health, I was constantly involved in sport activities such as futsal games and jogging too... my friendship with my friends from church and secondary school became stronger and closer than ever... I also spent much more time with family when others couldn't at all... and if that's not enuf, I even fell in love for one girl and then gave up in the same period of time... How colourful can this holiday be? Haha...

And here I am, sitting on my bed now at my new place in USJ 2, Petaling Jaya, typing this post... there are things in life that we wish will never end, such as holidays and moments of happiness, but they do end, we just have to move on... Now, I declare to myself that I am ready for my next challenge in life, which is my uni life... Bring it on! I shall fight this battle with God by my side... =)

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Trip to Bintangor

This morning (Tuesday), I went on a trip with my ex-schoolmates to Bintagor... This trip was planned by Timothy Ngu and he reli did a great job in settling all the transports, shops to eat, photos and so many more, credits to him! =D So, we started our journey around 8.15am and came back to Sibu around 12.30pm... It was reli a short simple trip abt food, companionship, scenery and photo takings, haha... A great way to sum up my holiday! =P

Waiting for our prawn mee to be served... =D
My favourite drink nowadays, Teh C! Haha...
The delicious prawn mee... It's freaking expensive as well! >.<
Rojak! Not bad oso~~~
One of the scenery in Bintagor...

Friday, February 10, 2012

Today is my lunar birthday!

Ahhh, so how many of u do celebrate ur own lunar birthday every year? Maybe I shud rephrase my question, how many of u do actually know when is ur lunar birthday? Hahaha... Okay, I dun actually celebrate my lunar birthday at all, but at least I know when is it, haha! It's on 19th Jan (正月初十九)... =P

This year is a different case for me, cuz I DID celebrate my lunar birthday this year... It's cuz I'll be flying off to KL again next weds (finally? T.T), and my family wouldn't be able to celebrate my actual birthday... so to find a replacement date for that, my lunar birthday seemed to be the perfect choice =D

Actually it's not much celebrating though... just a simple dinner with my family at a chinese restaurant, 全家福... the main point is spending time with my family and having a nice meal outside before I part with them once again... >.<

The food we had! Yummy!
My actual birthday is coming soon as well... This year I'm not expecting much from my friends once again other than plenty of wishes through fb and sms... Speaking of fb, I think this year, I shall stop showing my birthday reminder to fb frens, haha... One reason is that it's so tiring to 'like' and say 'thanks' to hundreds of birthday wishes, and another reason is that the only true wishes are those from ppl who ACTUALLY remembers it... Ah well, shall stop showing it at 11.59pm on the night before... =P

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Listening to songs

Not long ago, I was listening to a chinese love song called '擦肩而过' in my car while I was driving... I was listening carefully to the lyrics, and somehow I couldn't relate the song to myself at all... I suddenly had a thought in my mind... Are there times in life when whatever songs u listen to, whether love songs or emo songs, u can relate almost every song to urself?

For example, when u listen to love songs like 'Love Story' or 'Queen of My Heart', u'll always have that specific person in ur mind to think of, no matter what the status of ur relationship is... or if ur heartbroken or emo recently, any emo song that's playing can be describing urself... What does all this have in common? What's in common is that u have that special person in ur life, whom u love, or loved, and u'll always think abt him/her when u listen to songs...

But earlier, I mentioned I couldn't relate the song to myself, what abt that? I think it's because I dun have any special person in mind at the moment, that's why when I listen to love or emo songs, it'll just be like that... I can't get myself emotional at all... Of cuz I had periods in life where whatever songs I listen to, I'll think that the songs are describing myself...

Well, what's the point of this blog post? I have no idea, haha. Maybe I'm trying to declare myself as forever alone, hahahaha!