Tuesday, November 1, 2011

I'm desperate!

I guess many of u have watched this Taiwan drama before... I just finished watching it today... okay, I know maybe I'm a bit outdated, but this is the first time I watched a Taiwan drama, so I wasn't really motivated to watch it at first, and I had the drama in my laptop for more than a year, haha...

After watching it, I actually felt quite moody... Inside the drama, the love relationship between the main characters r so amazing, so magical, just like a fairy tale love story... everything seems so romantic, it's like they r destined to be together no matter what... so many things happen as a coincidence so that they can be together... their love story even stretches from childhood to adulthood...

I reli envy their love story... I envy ppl who have found their other half, ppl who have that special someone in their life, because I don't! Simply, I'm just so desperate for love now... >.<

I always ask myself questions, like, when will I finally get to hold someone's hand and walk life's path side by side? When will I finally get to hug someone when I feel so down and lonely? When will I finally get to talk abt anything and everything in my daily life to someone who will actually listen and care abt me? When can I finally listen to love songs and feel that they're meaningful?

So often, I reli wish that I could be the main actor in one of these love dramas or movies, and end up with someone special just like that... there's a saying '人生如戏,戏如人生', but I know this will not happen to me... I have 自知之明, I know no one would like me... not handsome, no great personality, not the smartest, no sexy physique... JUST a normal boy...

I'm only 19, and I'm already so desperate for love, for a girlfriend... I guess this post will look so pathetic to many ppl who read it... too bad this is exactly how I feel at the moment... desperation, please leave me! >.<

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