Thursday, November 10, 2011


Well, after 2 short months as a teacher in SMK Sacred Heart, today is finally the last day... I'm officially retired as a teacher!! I guess the larger part of my heart is just feeling relieved and relaxed that it's finally over, that I dun have to face all those problems I've faced before anymore... on the other hand, the rest of my heart kinda feels like I'm gonna miss all the good and cute students, and oso students calling me 'teacher', haha... Mixed feelings la...

Overall, though it was a tough experience from the beginning, I started to get used to it as it went by, u could just say it fitted into my system gradually... At first, I was always sleepy and tired as I could not deal with sleeping early and waking up early, that was the worst! But in the end, I got used to it and could sleep 5 hours and still feel awake at school, haha...

But now, I'm just glad it's all over... I can even say that my holiday has just resumed! Haha... Anyway, it's quite awkward to think that I was a former Methodist student teaching in Sacred Heart... most teachers asked me whether I was an ex-student of Sacred Heart... now that I've done that, my heart might be split between the two schools... However, it's clear that I'll always be a Methodist by heart!

Anyway, since that school holidays has started, this means church activities are coming thick and fast... Hope I can fully enjoy the last 3 months of my holiday! =D

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