Monday, November 7, 2011

If I could read minds...

If I could read minds, I would know what cards the others have in a card game, and know what moves I should make next.

If I could read minds, I would know what others truly think of me, whether they like me or hate me.

If I could read minds, I would know why someone doesn't like me or is unhappy with me and try to make it up to them.

If I could read minds, I would be a great CSI detective and identify the culprit as soon as I see the person. (too much CSI dy, zzz...)

If I could read minds, I would know what questions teachers are setting in exams and get excellent results in every exam. (that'll be super great!)

If I could read minds, I would know the real reason why someone is in a bad mood and be able to console him/her if needed.

If I could read minds, I would know exactly what to do and what to say to a person in a bad mood, because I would know what he/she hopes to hear.

If I could read minds, I would nail interviews because I would know exactly what interviewers want from me.

If I could read minds, I would know if a girl is into me or not. (that would be extremely handy >.<)

If I could read minds, I would know when to propose to my future gf because I would know whether she is ready for marriage or not. (thinking too far ahead, lol...)

If I could read minds, I would know various passwords of programs of other people. (thinking of being a top hacker, maybe? Haha!)

But most importantly, if I could read minds, the true faces behind hypocritical masks of every single person in this world would be revealed to me, alas, the ugly truth.

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