Monday, November 21, 2011

Church camp~~

Phew, I just came back from a 3-day church camp called 圣神同祷会 yesterday... it was held at the Sibu Pastoral Centre and organized by the prayer group of my church... This is the very first time I've joined this annual camp, though it has been around for quite long dy... guess one of the reason I joined was just to cure my boredom n get out of my house, haha... however, I was in for a treat, as I reli loved the camp in the end... =)

The theme for the camp this year is 我心深处, the deepest part of my heart... that's the part of the heart where all the sorrows and injuries are hidden away with us not realizing it at all, so the main point of this camp was to heal our hearts' deepest sorrows and injuries... of cuz there were other normal programmes which they carry out every year in the camp, such as Inner Healing, Baptism with Holy Spirit, Praise and Worship, speaking in tongues and many more... those who aren't Catholics, dun think u'll know what I just mentioned, haha...

Anyway, I realized that the participants for this camp are mostly adults, and I'm talking about 40-70 years old adults... and as a result, the meals prepared had to be suited to their taste too... >< However, I still had some good frens in there around my age, so I wasn't that bored at all...

Well, all in all, I certainly learnt some lessons in there... I learnt that we shud at all times put God above anything else in our lives... God's love is what matters, not anyone else's love... and I promised God that I will regret my sins completely and not repeat them ever again, which I pray I can achieve, haha... and through the inner healing and baptism of Holy Spirit, I felt much more closer to God than ever before...

I just hope I get to join this camp every year from now on... As for now, I'm currently helping out as a teacher in church to teach little kids christian knowledge for 2 weeks, hope it all goes well... =D

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