Thursday, October 27, 2011

Mission Accomplished!

Hahaha... finally I finished marking all those exam papers... It took me like 7 days, yeap that's right, one week time to  finish marking all the history exam papers... That one week can be considered as the most tiring, the busiest as well as the most hardworking I've been so far in my long holiday... phew! What a crazy experience...

How ironic it is that the class that I hate teaching the most is the class that I love marking papers the most... Reason? Cuz they suck, hahaha... okay that sounded bad... let's put it this way... they're not the smartest students, so they dun write a lot in essays, and they leave a lot of blanks in subjective questions... that makes life so easy for me, I can just breeze through their papers so quickly...

However, for the best class, it's like OMG! They just write so so many things in their essay! For a 4 mark essay, they can write a 20 mark essay for me, insane! And I'm forced to read their whole essay though I know it's surely gonna be full mark already... >.< Sometimes that just piss me off, but who am I to blame them when I did the very same thing when I was in form 4 and form 5? =.= Now I truly respect Mr Wong, my former history teacher, cuz he had to teach 5 of the 6 best classes in Methodist, gotta take my hat off to him! @@

I try marking as fast as I could, but it's hard considering that I'm currently STILL on holiday! U can't expect me to be a nerdy teacher, marking papers 24 hours a day... for the first few days I kept getting distracted by my laptop, haha! So in the end, I had to do something, so I decided to stay back after school and mark papers all alone by myself in the staffroom, imba! And I did that for 2 afternoons straight =.=

Well, I'm just glad it's all over now... Now I'm just looking forward to school holidays to start... Somehow I feel like their school holiday has become my holiday, though I'm ALREADY on holiday... haha...

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