Tuesday, September 6, 2011

First Time Teaching Experience!

Yeah, I became a teacher during the last weekend, though unofficially, haha... My secondary teacher had to take leave from her tuition centre during the weekend, so she asked me to replace her, and I accepted lo... Teaching Form 3 Maths, Form 4 and 5 Chemistry at a tuition centre... one and half an hour for each daily, meaning 4 hours 30 minutes daily... how does it sound? Easy or hard? Haha...

Actually it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be... What I was supposed to do was just give them questions to practise on, and then give the answers while discussing, nth much right? Of course, most of the students were very curious abt my age, seeing such a young teacher teaching them... one iban girl even asked me my age directly, which I just gave away without much thinking... Anyway, luckily the students all generally behaved well in class, and I didn't have much trouble... Of course, in the end I'm still quite tired n thirsty... @.@

Although I'm glad it went well, I'm still expecting the worst when finally I become an official teacher at Sacred Heart... teaching sejarah is so different from teaching chemi n maths... first of all, language problem! My malay is no longer fluent after long time not using it, I reli dunno how I'm gonna fare in the first few days of classes T.T Next problem is the subject itself is so boring!

Everyone is asking me when do I start? I seriously dunno... it depends on the pregnant teacher to deliver... most of the time, these teachers will take like 2 weeks leave before their expected delivery date, but this teacher doesn't do it... so I can only wait, and expect a phone call anytime, and become a teacher the next morning >.<

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