Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Do I look old?

For the past week, teachers and students in school asked me many questions... some common first questions that they normally ask are "You're the one replacing Victoria, right?", "What's your name?"... but more often than not, the question that they would ask is "So you finished studying already har?" 0.0

Wow! Finished studying?! Do I look like someone 23 or 24 years of age to u? Soooo many teachers have asked me the same thing, and everytime I have to explain that I'm just having holidays at the moment =.=

As for students, they will ask me the same question, then I will say no and ask them how old they think I am... They all said 23 or 24! For someone who is not even 20 yet, I felt so old after hearing their answers~ >.<

I dunno how it is for guys, but this is definitely not a good thing for girls, for ppl to consider u as being older than u actually are... For me as a guy, if I'm being absolutely optimistic, maybe older means ppl see me as more mature... hahaha... well, I'm not going to syok sendiri, I'll let others to decide themselves =X

So here I am with my frens... I'm the one at top left, wearing black with some orange pattern on it... so, how do I look? 19 or 24 to u??? Personally, I still prefer 19 to be honest, I'd rather stay young forever! Yeah~~

Anyway, by looking at the picture above, I'm starting to miss my buddies and all the gatherings with them already, though it was just 2 weeks ago when the last of them left Sibu to go off to their colleges/unis... Can't wait for Nov/Dec to come, when they'll be back again! =))))

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