Friday, September 23, 2011

First WEEK at school

Haha, this is a different post from the last one... This time I'm reli gonna share with u the bits n pieces of my life being a replacement teacher at Sacred Heart Secondary School... First of all, I know a lot of u must be so curious to know how I look like as a teacher... Well, just picture me wearing formal without a tie, that's Cikgu Yong for u! Nth special or funny reli... >.<

So, overall, I must say, I STILL dun like this life! =.= I have a lot of problems with my teaching life at the moment...

Firstly, students... Basically, I teach form 4 history and sivik, and form 5 sivik... I'm not gonna talk abt sivik, cuz it's a useless subject, haha... For form 4 history, I teach 4S1 (best science class), 4A1(best art class) and 4A3... Among the 3 classes, my favourite would be the middle one, 4A1... when I go into these 3 classes, the situations r all so different... 4S1, very quiet, but that brings a lot of pressure to me... sometimes, I'll just wonder if I'm reli good enuf to teach the best students, lol... 4A1, they're a bit more active in class and I do joke a bit with them, it's much more relaxing teaching them... the worst has to be 4A3... I always ask in my heart, 'why can't teachers scold students foul words?'... haha, u get the point >.<

Second, teachers... one thing abt teaching in a school ur not familiar with is it's so boring!!! I dunno any of the teachers here other than my cousin's wife who sits behind me... without her, I'll be like a total stranger in the staffroom... Although sometimes teachers do ask me some general questions, but most of time, I'm silent for the whole day in the staffroom when I have no class, sigh... Anyway, the teachers r ok themselves... =)

Third, sleep!! This is the biggest problem I have with teaching life... I always dun get enuf sleep at night! Imagine spending 3 months of holiday, waking up anytime u wan in the morning, and then suddenly, bammm!! U have to wake up every morning at 5.45am, it's completely zzzzz for me... =.= I tried to sleep early at night, earliest 11pm (miracle!), but still, if I'm in the staffroom, my eyes will close automatically... this life is just so tiring!

Well, I guess I'll get used to it sooner or later, haha...

P.S. Sry I've been posting a lot abt this topic for the last few posts, but that's the thing that defines my life right now! >.<

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