Saturday, September 17, 2011

First Day At School

Normally looking at the title above, u would think, first day at school, as a student of course! But not this time, first day at school for me was as a teacher! >.< Yup, I finally started teaching at Sacred Heart Secondary School on thurs... I got a surprise text message from my cousin's wife around 6pm wed night, telling me that the teacher I was gonna be replacing was in the hospital at that very moment... and 15 minutes later, another text message came saying 'You teach tmr'... and in a blink of an eye, the next day I'm in school with my formal wear on... ==

The first day was well, nth much actually... because I didn't teach anything at all... I was so unprepared that I decided I shud get myself clear on the situation first before I start teaching anything... and so unfortunately, I have 6 classes every thurs, which is the most in a day every week... so I just went into the classes, introduced myself, explained to the boys the situation and gave them their free time... Luckily I was still able to get the classes under control, though I expected worse...

One interesting thing is my age of course... teachers, students, they all wonder how old I am... one student in one of the classes actually asked me whether I just finished university... so I asked him, how old he thought I was, and guess what he said? 24! Oh my gosh, somehow I felt old and happy at the same time, haha! Happy cuz 24 means I look more mature than 19... XD Anyway, when I did break the actual age to him, he was like what?! Enough said.... LOL!

Anyway, I just hope everything goes well from here on... gotta spend more time on books and lesson planning from now on... sigh... how I wish this 2 months can be over in a blink! >.<

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