Sunday, January 23, 2011

Meaningless weekend =(

oh well, this weekend isn't as meaningful as the last two weekends lo... originally planned to go to Times Square to finish up my CNY shopping, but in the end, the idea was called off due to fatigue and a troublesome chemi class quiz on monday, sigh~~~

so what did i do the whole weekend? let's see, friday night watched a movie 'The International' on my lappy until 3 in the morning... I'm not even going to post the movie poster here, cuz it was a complete waste of my time, super lousy movie with an even lousier ending >.<

due to the sleep at a very 'early' hour, i woke up at 11.30am on sat... my whole sat was spent on a chemi workbook with 50+ pages of exercise... that's it, yes, a reli pathetic sat... =.=

today? nth much oso, church in the morning... whole day stucked to a few chemi books and the laptop...

conclusion: this is very typical... i'm sure more of this will come in the coming weekends after CNY, when all the assessments and assignment deadlines come rushing at the speed of light... sigh... 28th January 2011, come faster!!!

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