Wednesday, January 26, 2011

desire, disappointment and surprises...

Throughout my life, I've come across a lot of happenings that sometimes led me to conclude one thing. The more u desire something in ur life, the harder it seems to be achieved. Consequently, disappointment plays its role. But the less u desire something, it'll just sometimes be given to u, in a blink of an eye, that easy. That's surprises, both pleasant n depressing included.

One example in my life is how much I wanted JPA overseas scholarship. I remembered how I prayed every night to God to grant me my wish, how I fantasized my future in the West, how I would get to know lots of ah mo frens and other international ppl. But like I said, what I got in the end was disappointment, no JPA, no Petronas, no nth. However, there was a twist in the story, in the end I got JPA local scholarship through reappeal. That was surprising, because they always say it's hard to succeed in reappeal. Truthfully, I never wanted local scholarships at all, as I thought they were all noob scholarships, no offence. Hmmm, but now, I would consider it a pleasant surprise, cuz life is quite ok now.

Now though, I wan something else so badly that I can think of it every day and night. This makes me think of what I said earlier, 'The more u desire something in ur life, the harder it seems to be achieved'. I can only hope that this theory of mine won't work this time, pls dun let disappointment be the ending. =(

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