Thursday, January 13, 2011


Yes, just as illustrated by the title, I reli reli HATE my life now... I'm tired of living in all this never ending PRESSURE!!!!!! Not even 2 weeks into MUFY 2nd sem, and the pressure is so overwhelming ady....... Why??! I dun even know how to explain this stupid pressure... Could be the course outline, could be the lecturers' forceful attitude, could be my feeling of being unable to live up to expectations, OR..... Could be all the NERDS around me, who have no life at all, and in doing so, they're destroying my life oso.......... College is supposed to be a meaningful and unique study experience, but in my memory now, all I'll ever recall abt MUFY is pure darn PRESSURE... I pray to God that this 5 months will end asap... there's much more to life than this!

Gosh... And the lecturers are claiming that Uni will be much worse than MUFY~~~ What has life become?? Is there nth good to look forward to anymore? At the back of all holidays are just more and more pressure... Then, shud I conclude that life is just simply pathetic? Maybe so.............. >.<


  1. I don't get it actually why is the pressure so much? i thought everyone says that mufy is quite easy compared to other pre-u courses? (no offence though)
    Haha anyway just chill la bro. Don't put too much pressure on yourself. Just do your best that you can, enjoy life and let God do the rest. Cheers ;)

  2. i think i know where's the problem really coming from... it's me being too worried that i can't match my first sem's result... thx for ur concern, buddy... i'll try my best... ^^
