Saturday, January 15, 2011

another saturday~~~

Oh well, it's another Saturday on the outside for the whole day... before I start this, let's just ignore what i posted in the post earlier... I admit that i was too emo at the time, and posted stuffs that were too out of control and insensible... Sry abt that :)

Anyway, back to topic... went to Sunway Pyramid today with Hooinee and Cherish at first, but actually the whole day was spent with Hooinee only lo, cuz Cherish got her own frens to look after, haha... hmmm, basically what we did the whole day was quite simple... shopping for clothes first, and I bought a new shirt for CNY again, this time based on her opinion, hehe... then lunch at ss15, Jojo Pan Mee... back at the pyramid, we bought Starbucks! Honestly, this is only the 2nd time in my whole life that I ever bought Starbucks, what was it called again? Chocolate chips what what, forgot ady, Haha!! But what matters most is I enjoyed it, thx to Hooinee for recommending it Xp

At 2.55pm, we went to watch this movie at TGV... the movie was around 1 hour 30 mins, and the whole cinema was fully packed! Luckily our seats were ok... So let's get to the point, how was the movie? In my opinion, this movie was very very funny, lots of humour and non-stop laughters, but most important of all, it was a very meaningful story... It's a reminder to all, of our principles in life... the only negative for me is that, the touching part of the movie was too short, cuz it was mixed with humour... anyway, I do recommend all of u to go watch this movie, if ur looking for something meaningful and full of laughters =D

After that, we went a few places then went back ady lo... overall, today was a nice day... chatted a lot with my fren, awesome... XD but now fatigue is flowing through my whole body, aiks... last week Mid Valley, this week Sunway Pyramid, next week Times Square/Sungei Wang?? HAHA!!


  1. Next time try 'Dark Mocha' very nice too :D

  2. haha... ok ok... but dunno when will that be... Starbuck's very expensive eh... haha...
