Sunday, January 9, 2011

First week back...

Hmmm, there's a lot of stuffs that happened in this first week... I guess I enjoyed most of the time, though the pressure is catching up with me very swiftly... zzz....

Life in the 2nd sem is erm, how to say... it's always great to meet all my frens after being apart for so long... however, in the case of this sem's subject outline and all that stuffs, they're reli going to drown me very soon, sigh~~~ 
Chemistry, the lecturer is quite ok, she's very nice but strict at the same time... on Thursday, I was late for her class for 30 mins due to heavy traffic, but she didn't say anything n still smiled when she saw me... haha... Maths, this has to be the most boring class that I have, no one talks in class, the lecturer is quite boring, no offense... Biology, the lecturer is great and I have lots of frens in the class... Lastly, English! The lecturer is the most interesting, controversial and strictest lecturer I ever had... Although I enjoy his classes a lot, but oh dear, the pressure is just overwhelming in his class, not just cuz of him, but also classmates who r all damn pro in English... 
However, all in all, this sem is going to be so tough... I've got research project and presentations for every subject I have, GOSH!

Like I said before, it's nice meeting 'long lost' frens, haha... However, best of all, I've formed a gang with three other guys... They r Matt Matt, Longkang and Vignerd, HaHa!! It's just great now that we always hang out together, no matter it's food, games or studies... Other than them, it's great to catch up with a group of girls oso, all frens from Biology A class last sem... Now I have more ppl to talk to on the internet, great... haha...

So how did I spent my first Saturday back here in Sunway? Surely I was not gonna rot at the hostel, so I went with the gang I mentioned earlier to Mid Valley... I bought a T-shirt there for the coming CNY, they bought their stuffs oso, and we walked around... but typically, boys dun take too many pics, so I've got one to share here only, Haha! Sry abt that...
Me bewitched!! XD
After all the shopping, we went to watch 'Season of the Witch' at GSC, Mid Valley... 
The movie was erm, ok... 1 hour and 35 minutes... What's it about leh, I won't say too much about it, dun wanna spoil ur fun, haha... let's just say it's abt witches and a lot of ancient stuffs... Would I recommend you to watch it? Erm, like I said, it's an ok movie... but if ur looking for funny stuffs or super action stuffs, then dun watch this!
After the movie, we went back and that's how my Saturday went... In total, I wasted RM94 in one day, not too much not too little, haha...

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