Monday, April 2, 2012

Temporary freedom!!!

Hey everyone, I'm so sorry it took me quite a while to update my blog, but I do have my reasons, haha... FYI, I just finished my mid-sem exam today, it was just a 3 hour paper for the whole mid-sem assessment, which I worked my socks off in the last 2 weeks @@

The reason why there's only one paper is because my medicine course is different from other uni's medicine course, in which our theory is to learn all the subjects at one go, little by little as the semesters go by... so when we have exams, they'll stuff everything into one paper... 

For the last 2 weeks, I'd totally turned into a nerd, couldn't believe that I'll do stuffs like that for just a mid-sem exam, oh my gosh! =.= I've slept for 4 hours daily, and what's even more epic is that for the last 2 weekends, I actually walked to uni just to study from morning 8am till night 9pm, imba!!

I'm just relieved it's finally over now, and I'm already in my holiday mood, as I'm getting a one week break next week, gonna go back to SIBU!!! Hahahaha.... I can't wait! ^^

Anyway, above is my group mates for this semester 1... Love them! =D

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