Thursday, April 12, 2012

On Call 36 小时, a must watch!

I've just finished this Hong Kong drama in 4 days (actually shud be 3 days, since I didn't watch it at all yesterday)... I must say, this is one of the best, if not the best, Hong Kong drama I have ever watched in my life! It's 25 episodes long, and it's worth every episode of it, serious!

As u can see from the poster above, this drama is all about doctors... it shows the life of a doctor, the difficulties, the rules, the interactions with patients' relatives, the teamwork between colleagues, and so so much more... What makes this drama so nice is that it's so meaningful... it teaches us a lot of life's challenges and how we shud be thankful for our healthy lives while others can only dream to have what we have...

One of the quotes that I like the most in this movie is 健康的人不一定是开心的,伤病的人不一定是不开心的 (healthy people might not always be happy, while sick people might not always be sad too, they can be happy as well)... this teaches me that everyone can live a happy life regardless of our health status, it's our choices that matters...

Maybe it's because I'm gonna be a doctor in future that makes me so connected to this drama, but of the people that introduced this drama to me, they r not medicine students, and yet they enjoyed it a lot... So, dun hesitate anymore, this is a must watch drama for everyone, u won't regret it... It's meaningful, funny at times, and incredibly touching too... I almost cried a few times while watching it, gosh!