Sunday, April 8, 2012

Back in my Home Sweet Home!

Ah, the feeling of being home is just so nice... the smell, the food, the people, the language, the sight, the traffic (=.=!) and everything else, I would never replace them with anything... Sibu will always hold an unique and irreplaceable place in my heart, since this is where my Home Sweet Home lies after all... ^^

I've been back for 2 days now, and even now, I feel like time flies too swiftly, 2 days gone just like that! I must enjoy the next 7 days of my life to the max, as it's gonna be another two grueling months of intense studying ahead once again... Honestly, I don't even wanna mention it right now T.T

Anyway, I don't have any plans at all for this one week break... just wanna get as much rest as I can, and the rest of the time can be used to watch movies and dramas, and definitely eat as much nice or home cooked food as I can, hahaha... one thing I'm planning to do is to go to gym for a try, haha... But at the moment, I'm still too lazy to do that yet, hope I can motivate myself soon to do it... XD

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