Friday, April 20, 2012

Back to this uni life!

Ah, here I am again in Bandar Sunway to continue my life as a medicine student... I guess I shud have written this post like on Monday or Tuesday, but I was just busy or maybe lacking in motivation to blog, haha... Anyway, after a one week holiday last week, I'm back here again, and this time it's for around 10 weeks, longer period compared to the last! @@

Well, it's not that I hate my uni life, it's actually the opposite, I do love my uni life a lot! As compared to my previous college life, my uni life is so much more enjoyable due to many reasons... one of the main reasons has to be that I have a gang of friends who I can reli mix with in my course... no offence to my college friends, but I always had the problem of reli mixing with them, it's like I'm not reli in tune with all their crazy and funny jokes and stunts... Anyway, my current group of friends in medicine is making my uni life so much more meaningful and enjoyable, haha...

Another reason is I guess I dun put too much pressure on myself to compete with other ppl anymore... In foundation, I used to have the mentality in wanting to beat everyone and be top, ya u can call me 'kiasu', I admit I seriously did have that problem... but now in uni, I no longer care that much anymore, I just urge myself to study hard and not think too much abt what other ppl is doing... Maybe I've changed, who knows? =D

However much I enjoy my uni life, we all will miss our hometown in the end no matter what... The food, the hometown friends, family, comfy home... NOTHING can compare to them T.T

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