Sunday, March 4, 2012

1st week of classes~

Okay sry I didn't update for more than a week now, I guess it's gonna be like this for the next few weeks at least... Well, the first week as a medicine student was still okay, the timetable is still not so packed, so I still can breathe, haha! There are 4 main types of classes in MBBS, namely lectures, tutorials, practicals and Problem-Based Learning(PBL)...

First of all, and most commonly, lectures... This has to be the most boring among all, always caught myself dozing off in lectures as some lecturers are just so boring! However, still gotta force myself to concentrate as it's where the facts all come from >.< On the other hand, I like tutorials and PBL (dun ask me what's PBL, can't explain, lol...) much more, it's more interesting and they're done via group work... at the moment, I still haven't gone through any practicals yet...

Anyway, I'm sure some of u have the burning question of asking me whether there's any leng lui in my course? Haha... Of cuz there r lots of them la! Come on, this is Monash, all rich rich ppl come here lo, duh... But disappointingly, most of the chinese ppl in my course, boys and girls alike, are bananas... which sadly means no options available for me (no offence though...)... So I guess, I shud just concentrate on studies rather than girls in Monash for now, sigh... That said, the timetable is becoming much more packed starting week 2, there goes my free time... =.=

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