Sunday, March 18, 2012

The very last one?

You come to a certain age where you say to urself, stop! No more play play, I want a serious relationship, and by serious, I mean the next one shall be my very last one... yeah, the one I'm gonna spend the rest of my life with... Sounds so magical, so 'happy-ever-after'-ish, right? But, it's so much easier said than done!

At this moment, every girl that u meet, every girl that u feel she might be the one, I said 'might', because how can u be sure?? Seriously, there r so many unknowns in reality, u reli have no idea whatsoever what's gonna happen tomorrow, the day after, next week, next month, next year.... ya, u get the point... Can u see what I'm trying to say? Though how much I want my next girl to be my last, I can never be sure whether it's gonna be like that or not...

You're probably thinking, what's up with this dude? Why he's writing all this crap all of a sudden? I admit, I do have someone in mind at the moment... I'm not saying I'm in love or anything like that, I'm just saying I have someone in mind! Anyway, it's not abt me that I'm writing all this... I'm just trying to convey the message that when ppl say 'I want my next relationship to be the last!', they better think again...

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