Saturday, March 10, 2012

my W995 GG lo~~~

This is so unlucky! My second phone, Sony Ericson W995 is spoilt! I bought this in November 2010 as a second-hand phone for Rm550, at that time it was only 5 months old, so it was quite worth it... Now it's damaged dy, sigh...

FYI, it all started on Tuesday when I was rushing for university... one part of the screen suddenly became colourful after I slided it down... at that time, as long as I dun slide the phone down, the screen still can see... now it's complete blackout, though I still can use it to listen to music =.=

According to my fren, Tim, this is cuz my phone's ribbon spoilt, which needs around RM100 to repair here in KL... I'm currently in a dilemma whether to sell this phone cheaply to shops and buy a new smartphone or just repair it... Plus, I'm reli hoping to get a iPad 2, as iPad 3 just came out which means I can get iPad 2 for a cheaper price... JPA ar JPA, faster give me my allowance la!! I wanna buy a lot of stuffs, okay??? >.<

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