Monday, January 2, 2012

Happy new year 2012!

Happy new year, everyone! Haha... Okay, it might be a bit late for me to post this, but you can't put the blame on me... I have been working as a promoter at a supermarket, and it was no different for both New Year's Eve and New Year Day, how miserable is that? >.<

Frankly, I have to say I had a lousy new year's eve... Firstly, had to worked so hard from morning till evening... then after having buffet dinner, didn't know where to go at all (Forever Alone!) and ended up paying RM20 just to sit inside a karaoke room =.= Seriously, I have no interest in karaoke at all, or u might say it's just that I can't sing, that's why I dun go to that sort of places, I only went because someone asked me to... after that, my team, Man Utd lost to the bottom of the league team, Blackburn at home! So sad... Well, I just hope a bad end to year 2011 means a bright start to year 2012, haha!

For this year 2012, unlike so many others, I dun set any new year resolutions for myself... In my opinion, I'd rather try to enjoy everyday of my life to the fullest, rather than setting targets and giving myself unnecessary pressure... The only thing that I would like to do now and in the near future, is to be a better person day by day...

Lastly, just wishing everyone a happy new year, and may your lives continue to be filled with joy, laughters and pleasant surprises... Good luck, everyone! =D

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