Thursday, December 29, 2011

Trip to Belawai Beach

This morning, I set out with my three frens to Belawai in search of a beach... Originally, this trip was planned for 8 persons... the drinks and junk food have already been bought and everything was in place... but due to sudden technical problems, we were left with only one car and the 4 girls were forced to quit the trip at the last minute... We started our journey around 7.30am and got back to Sibu by 1.30pm, so it was just a half day trip... we didn't do much on our trip, just taking pictures by the beach and taking this opportunity to have an outing with frens XD

Prawn, the logo of Belawai!

View from outside the beach...

Look at the weather when we got there >.< Not even one person there...

Notice the way the waves form? So nice~~

Forever Alone!

Finally, other ppl came....
The weather became better in the end too =D

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